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Kiilto has an experimental culture which encourages staff to present even the wildest ideas. There is also room for failure, because continuous learning generates insights which illuminate our path towards strong international growth. Kiilto’s personnel are its key asset and security. As a family-owned company, we believe in a collaborative working community rather than a hierarchical approach. Inspiration is based on good management and an organisation that listens.
Our range of exercise opportunities and leisure-time clubs helps to maintain working capacity and a positive mindset. We encourage each other to participate in activities such as choir practice, floorball, yoga and circuit training. Prevention of occupational accidents and improving safety in the workplace help to motivate employees to give their best performance.

Professional development in a safe workplace
Support in the right place at the right time improves the everyday work of each and every Kiiltonian, and ensures our success going forward. We improve our workers’ employability through competence development and an active training policy. Our goal is that a career with Kiilto is an asset. As a workplace, Kiilto provides a safe and inspiring environment and an opportunity for continuous personal development.
Some future Kiilto employees are still students. The support we provide in cooperation with their education institutions will be part of our success story for years to come.
The safety of our customers is also covered by Kiilto’s social responsibility. We improve the safety of our products by presenting and marketing them responsibly. In addition, we can help to improve the safety and comfort of buildings by developing our customers’ expertise.
We have an open and inspiring atmosphere
To ensure that human rights are implemented at all stages of Kiilto’s business activities, we seek to promote equality in the working environment. In this way, we are creating a fairer world and improving the wellbeing of our personnel.
In our business operations, we commit to integrity, combating corruption and complying with the legislation, rules and regulations applicable to our operations. We require our subcontractors and suppliers to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes provisions on legal compliance, as well as anti-bribery and good business practices:
Social responsibility themes
Kiilto’s Responsibility Working Group has identified the following key themes in our evaluation of vital activities. The related practical measures are described in the sections below each theme.
A safe workplace
- Prevention of accidents
- Improving physical and psychological safety
An inspiring working environment
- Support at various stages of life
- Good supervision
- A responsive organisation
- Wellbeing personnel
- We follow the highest ethical standards of behaviour and business
Human rights throughout the value chain
- An equal work environment
- Prevention of child labour
Competence development
- Development of employee competences
- Development of customer competences
- Educational colloboration
- Responsible product information
- Digital solutions

Managing social responsibility
We measure our success in management through a survey held by Corporate Spirit. The results are benchmarked against those of other companies. Kiilto also monitors feedback from recruits and records the number of occupational pensions granted.
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health performs occupational hygiene surveys at Kiilto every four years. However, cooperation is continuous in order to use and share Kiilto’s chemistry industry expertise between surveys. Kiilto shares its know-how with customers and other stakeholders.
Kiilto goes beyond ensuring safety for its own factory areas and personnel, projecting chemical safety all the way to its customers. Its experts identify risks and guide customers on how to avoid them.
Kiilto has integrated occupational safety as part of its product and technical development. We start by thinking about employee safety and possible exposure risks whenever we develop a product or choose raw materials.
Social responsibility policies
Social responsibility at Kiilto is guided by its Code of Conduct, to which the company’s key suppliers are also committed.
Our daily operational activities are based on ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 certification, and the chemical industry’s Responsible Care programme. Kiilto is also committed to the occupational wellbeing agreement of the insurance company, Varma.
Kiilto has also joined the Zero Occupational Accidents Forum coordinated by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. The Forum is a voluntary network between Finnish workplaces, with the goal of continuously promoting occupational safety and the sharing of good practices.
Complaint mechanisms and whistleblowing
Social responsibility issues are brought to the company’s attention during the course of everyday staff management. The White Book instructions include the measures employees should take if they observe issues that need to be addressed.
Such observations are also collected in annual employee surveys.